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Surpassing Milestones One after the Other

Surpassing Milestones One after the Other
  1. The world is filled with top entrepreneurs, leaders, and influencers, yet each one of them brings something fairly unique to the table, something that sets them apart from the bunch. In the case of James Michael Lafferty, it was a plethora of attributes that set the man apart!

James was born in 1963. The signs of what he was to become were evident as he grew older, a calm and focused person who knows what exactly he is going to do and how. James was very fond of how people behave and act a certain way, which led him to pursue his degree in Psychology from the University of Cincinnati, and from there, he embarked onto his journey of reaching every single milestone he has ever set for himself.

Reaching the Summits

James was always the dedicated kind, never straying off-track from the goal he has planned to achieve. Thanks to that, the man got the chance to lead some of the biggest multinationals across the globe which itself speaks for Jame’s capabilities. The companies he led are names like Coca-Cola, British American Tobacco, and Procter & Gamble etc. He has worked in different capacities on 5 continents! The fact that a psychology major went on to lead some of the biggest firms on the planet, was quite astounding for the lot but wasn’t the first time James had left people bewildered.

Fetching Farther

James Michael Lafferty also went on to make his name in the art of writing. His ability to pen down words and give them sheer depth was just unimaginably exquisite. James put this skill to good use writing for “The Philippine Star”, one of the leading newspapers in the Philippines. In fact, James happens to be a widely known columnist of this magazine from where he reaches so many people inspiring them to take on the toughest ventures of their lives. James’ column reaches 50 Million readers globally, and James has won awards for outstanding journalism.

In addition to writing. James also happens to be one of the most widely known speakers across the globe. This was evident with the fame and fortune this man had found, the audience was also up for an inspiring story, an edging tip, or a valuable insight, all of which were a part of James’ speaker sessions. He attends several organizations and institutions to share his wisdom with the world. In fact, he has already visited over 70 of the Fortune 500 companies as speaker.

The Unending Ventures

That’s just a part of what James has been able to achieve so far. He was an athlete himself and had also coached individuals and teams getting them ready for Olympics. James knew that there was a lot of talent, but with scarce resources to maximize on that talent. So he began the “Adopt an Olympian” program where those who can afford will take on the expense required to train and develop that athlete’s skill to perfection.

Through the years, James Michael Lafferty has been able to achieve far more milestones than he ever thought he would. There is a lot more to learn of his life. James can be reached on his LinkedIn account for his consultancy in an array of matters or via his website,