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The Importance Of Mobile Retargeting Ads

The Importance Of Mobile Retargeting Ads

Using mobile to retarget your ads is an essential element to your overall marketing strategy. Retargeted ads are hyper-focused on a targeted group of customers already familiar with your business or brand. Doing it via mobile makes connecting with them even easier.

Customers that know your brand have probably purchased products or services from you before. If not, they have certainly visited your site, app, or social channels.

Why is this important? This makes them more likely to proceed to checkout the next time around. Why mobile ads? Well, mobile simply makes marketing sense. Did you know that 79 percent of the U.S. population is smartphone users?

According to Impact, 50 percent of people say that their smartphone is the first thing they look at in the morning. This makes mobile retargeting ads highly visible, potentially more so than television, radio, and the newspaper.

Let’s take a deeper look at why retargeting ads via mobile will lead your bottom funnel customers toward checkout.

It Maximizes Your Marketing Spend

Ensuring your customers continue down the sales funnel is every marketer’s top priority. Mobile retargeting is an exceptional way to facilitate this.

According to a case study by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), it can take seven to 13 touch points to qualify a sale. How can you make these touch points? Retargeting.

Many businesses think that mobile retargeting ads are costly. However, it is actually a marketing gem that will maximize your spend.

“In financial services, for example, a 5 percent increase in customer retention produces more than a 25 percent increase in profit,” Fred Reichheld of Bain & Company said. “Why? Return customers tend to buy more from a company over time.”

It Boosts Customer Lifetime Value

If you have a product, service, or app, your customer lifetime value is the revenue you will make on those over their lifetime.

Apps are the perfect example. Did you know that one in four people leave an app after one use? According to a study by Localytics, 77 percent of people never return after a 72-hour period.

By making your retargeting more mobile, you can increase lifetime value, and your bottom line. “By retargeting ads to our app users we meet the growing demand of our mobile audience and upsell our services,” Sean Hopwood, CEO of Day Translations said.

It Pairs Perfectly with Updates 

You may have recently made much needed updates to your app, or potentially brought an improved product or service back to market. This is an exceptional time for mobile retargeting.

Why not give your audience something new and exciting to check out? After all, you have peaked their interest once before.

Updates are the perfect catalyst to serve up new options and features to churned users. You can even throw in a few perks for your loyal retargeted audience via promo codes.

It Can Be Social

Retargeting is also taking on a social element. This makes mobile retargeting ads very valuable. You can easily pluck people that may have engaged on an ad, blog post, or even image to drive them toward purchase.

For instance, Pinterest has set a feature that allows businesses and brands to retarget those who have interacted with a pin.

“Pinners don’t just browse, they actually spend—87 percent have made a purchase after finding a product they liked on the platform,” Frank Fumarola, Product Manager at Pinterest told WeRSM. “When someone engages with a Pin, they are demonstrating an intent to spend in the future, and they are 2.2x more likely to make a purchase in the next 30 days than those who don’t engage.”

Mobile retargeting ads can also be found on Facebook and Instagram via the Dynamic Products Ads campaign. Many businesses and brands have had success with these social ad campaigns.

There is certainly no doubt that mobile retargeting ads have value. The question is, how effective is yours? If retargeting ads via mobile is not in your overall marketing strategy, it is worth a look. You may be surprised by the ROI you find.