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Writing Exercise: This Is How You Bring Variety and Life to Your Texts

Writing Exercise: This Is How You Bring Variety and Life to Your Texts

Writing is like running a marathon – when you start, you don’t yet make the full distance and it is often difficult to make progress. But just like running, you can also practice writing. Therefore, today I have a few writing exercises for you that should help you to expand your active vocabulary, to write more consciously, and to write lively, because of varied, text. For this exercise, I have a few suggestions as to what you can do with the help of this exercise to make writing a little easier for you in the future.

By the way, this exercise will not only help you with blog articles but also with all texts, including e-mails and other messages, social media posts, and so on. Of course, it doesn’t do much good if you only do this once. You train long-term for a marathon. If you are short of time, you can do this exercise right when you are writing a blog article.

Do it only once!

Granted, this exercise is a bit mean and not that easy at all. But it works and it helps you to write diversely. You have to think a lot, rephrase and always think carefully about what to write and when and how. But I find them extremely effective. Write a text in which each word occurs only once. Yes, you heard right. Words like “and”, “or”, “in”, “you”, “I” etc. are welcome to use multiple times , but always think twice about rephrasing a sentence and doing without these words. You should generally use filler words as little as possible. It is important that you really only use adjectives, verbs and nouns once in the text.

The search engine also likes writing in a varied way

At first glance, this contradicts the rules for search engine optimization, because key terms should appear several times in the text of web texts. But this exercise also has something good for that. Because search engine optimization is also about finding other terms for keywords that you can put in your text in order to be found for these words too. And this exercise has exactly the nice side effect that you think about it too. You can of course also use synonyms that you find during the task in the future, so write them down somewhere. (And one more side note is allowed at this point: The times in which texts in which the main keyword occurs in every second sentence land directly on page 1 on Google, Writers at Ghostwriting LLC are experts in writing Search engines friendly content.

For example, you can create a Word document in which you write down all of your key terms and write down synonyms or alternatives for them. This also applies to verbs and adjectives that you use frequently. I have created a sheet of paper for each of the various often-used adjectives, on which I write down synonyms, paraphrases, and possible alternatives. They can sometimes deviate a little from the original meaning because it always depends on the context.

Before you use a dictionary or a website for synonyms, think for yourself which words and phrases come to mind. Let your mind wander and just write down everything that comes to mind. This is also a good exercise to expand your vocabulary – and thus to write more lively and varied again.

Conscious writing

During this exercise, you should be careful to use words only once. You can use words like “and”, “or”, “in” etc. several times, otherwise, it will get really nasty. When it comes to filler and connective words, however, always carefully consider whether you really need them. This also helps you to write in a varied way.

Feel free to tell us how you got along with the exercise, how you fared with it, and what moved you! Have fun tinkering!