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How Slackers Are Able to Improve Their School Performance?

It takes a lot of effort for slackers to recover from their extremely poor school performance. Many of them need exceptional amount of supports from parents, teachers and fellow students to catch up. Despite their cool appearance, their heart may sink just at the thought of undergoing another exam period. They simply can’t decipher textbooks and it is hard for them to make sense of anything that’s being taught in the classrooms. It is clear that slackers need extra effort and attrition. When guiding slacking students, parents and teachers could tell them to calm down and try to be more organized. There are methods that slacking students can do to catch up and start getting good grades in school. Many students use their smartphones as portable music players and these devices could be used as learning tools. Lecturers could be recorded in smartphones and replayed over and over again. Instead of listening to music all the time, students should start listening to lecturers.

Slacking students will need to perform a lot of memorization, so teachers should teach them to use mnemonics and acronyms. There are different techniques to memorize historical dates, chemical equations, math formulas and others. Students should also be encouraged to come up with their own shortcuts to help them memorize other details. The initial effort can be quite overwhelming for slacking students, the payoff could be quite significant. Once fully practised, shortcuts and mnemonics could become a second nature and students will have impressive memorization performance. It is also a good thing if slacking students are encouraged to join study groups. This is a place where people throw information and good ideas around. Obviously, we should choose study groups that accommodate students who have a lot to catch up. Fellow students should be willing to provide assistance and support in helping any friend that requires special assistance.

Struggling students require a significant degree of motivation and they can obtain it from friends. It will be a lot easier for students to have peers who push them to obtain much better school performance. The bee hive always beats any individual wasp and groups activities can be a lot of fun. Slacking students should also be instructed on how them can prepare themselves better for study sessions and exams. They should be given challenging courses that simulate exams. These students should know that school isn’t an easy ride and they need to study hard to obtain the appropriate school performance. By having good school performance, students may have better performance in college and this could have an effect in their adulthood. They may have better career and can lead a happier life. In general, students with poor school performance will need to be encouraged and given high quality feedback so they will be able to change their lifestyle and behavior. In a school, there should be a special program to address students with poor behavior and inadequate school performance. Each student may require different approach to ensure that they will become better person.