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How to Have Positive Dorm Activities?

For many students, wild parties are not their thing. There are a lot of exciting dorm activities that won’t cause us to feel regretful the next morning. In dorms, students can have fun without listening loud music in the sweaty basement full of shirtless boys. Dorm students could choose social events and activities that are positive. College students who have experience in high school theater could be involved in college drama productions. In colleges, they could have more professional production, especially when supported by the university staff. In fact highly talented drama actors could attract people who hunt for talents. The drama production could be funded by inexpensive theater tickets. Another excellent activity is to focus on sporting activities. These activities can be a lot of fun and obviously much healthier than having late night parties filled with alcohol and even illegal drugs. Students with good musical talents in the dorm could gather to form a musical band. This allows them to perform during the weekend. Many students are happy enough to perform, although they are not paid.

Regardless of the activity, we should students should be able to provide highly discounted tickets for their fellow students. After having enough experience in weekly shows, students could also participate in local music scene. They will further improve their singing and instrument playing skills. Many colleges have vibrant music scenes and there are events where students from different colleges participate. It is possible to make more than a few friends when jamming along. Another great activity during the weekend is cooking events, where both boys and girls can contribute. Every two weeks there could be regular cooking competitions between students. Another thing that students can do is by taking a few extra classes during the weekend. Many students would argue that they have taken class all week and weekend it’s the time to chill out for a while. In reality, it will be much easier for students and they could feel more relaxed if they focus on the learning material even during weekend and vacation. They will be more prepared during exams and feel less frustrated compared to other students.

Everyday, there should still be enough time for students to relax and have enough sleep. Late night parties won’t do students any good, putting pressure on both their bodies and minds. There are many activities that students can participate around the campus ground. They may join different kinds of clubs, such as dance and yoga courses. To make it a dorm activity, a group of students could participate in these clubs during the weekend. When there’s nothing else to do, MadLibs, Monopoly and Scrabble could become excellent activities that we can perform inside dorms. They could be feel outdated compared to the latest mobile and computer games, but the interaction and laughter during these activities can be more important and exciting than the game itself. Lastly, there should be regular study group sessions for students who attend the same classes.