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5 Tips To Remember When Buying Outdoor Tiles

outdoorIt’s understandable that you’re surfing the net for some advice on outdoor tiles, well, they’re a bit trickier to pick than indoor ones. You’ve got a lot of things to factor in and a lot of options at your disposal. You may ask, “A lot of things to factor in? Don’t you just pick the design you like and that’s it?” Well, that’s how most people would approach it, but it’s not really the wise thing to do. And since you are here reading this, my guess is that you want to be wise and informed in the decision you’re about to make regarding this small but important detail in your house. So here are a couple of tips to remember when choosing your outdoor tiles.

1.       First Things First – Never Use Polished Floor Tiles

One thing we never want to happen to us is to slip on a tile. And if installing tiles outdoors (where there is a huge possibility of rain, or just floors getting wet), we must choose tiles that aren’t slippery.That is unless you intentionally want to break your back on fall – of course you don’t. So, it only makes sense then to omit any ‘polished’tile from your wish list.

2.       For An Earthy Feel, Go Ceramic

Ceramic tiles are popular for their unique look and feel. It is made from clay materials that are quarried and then pressed onto a mold under extreme pressure then baked at soaring temperatures. Ouch! Anyway, these tiles are commonly used because they are non-glazed and are extremely cheap.

Porcelain or non-porcelain? Obviously if you’re shopping for an outdoor tile, you should go with non-porcelain tiles. First, porcelain tiles are high maintenance and are, as you can imagine, more expensive than non-porcelain. However, non-porcelain tiles are known to be more durable and have greater stain resistance. It’s also less slippery because it has minimal water absorption. The terra cotta tile is a prominent choice, go check it out.

3.       For Some Class & Style, Choose Stone Tiles

Stone tiles are a popular choice for people who have deeper pockets. Natural stone tiles especially, are great if you are looking for a ‘bits of nature in the house’ kind of feel. What’s great about using them outdoors is that they’re textured. Because of their rough and uneven surface, it’s almost impossible to slip. These tiles are truly the tiles for the ‘great outdoors’. Most people use them in the pool decks and paths. These tiles are the most durable and are termed ‘impervious floor tiles’ because of great durability – be it frost or rain. These stone tiles come in different natural colors, though not uniform, but look exceptionally great because of their gradient. These’ll definitely bring class and style as well as a dash of humility to your home.

4.       Forecast Your Climate

If you live in the far north where ice is ubiquitous, you may have to add another consideration. Not all tiles are built with the same durability. Some tiles are prone to crack when put under extreme temperatures, be it hot or cold. In cold climates make sure to ask the salesman to give you options that are not ‘porous’. Most porous tiles absorb lots of water and in freezing conditions; they ice up and cause the tiles to be brittle, hence very much prone to cracks.

5.       No Tile Is Slip Proof If…

“Wasn’t this why we were limiting our choices? – To make them slip proof?” Well yes, but let me finish. No tile is slip proof if improperly maintained. All tiles must be cleaned regularly. The mixture of water, dirt and heat make up a messy mixture of contaminants that lessen the tile’s “coefficient of friction” standards (basically manufacturers must adhere to a standard depending on the tile to be less slippery).

There are quite a lot of tiles you can choose from, but be sure that they are compatible with where they are placed. We don’t want our kids falling on their faces.