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Selling An Old Home To A Young Buyer

The younger homebuyers often have a preconceived notion of what to expect in a new property. Their needs may be different than the older, more established, potential buyer.

The Differences Between Old & Young Home Buyers

Some of the needs of the younger homebuyers are out of the seller’s control. For example, a younger buyer may be more interested in the quality of the school district than an older buyer. An older home in an established neighborhood, may have an excellent school which can be stressed to the potential buyer with a family. Younger buyers may also be more interested in access to parks and other public recreation than older buyers.

Spruce Up Your Home

The homeowner can take other steps to make the home more attractive to the young buyer. Updating décor items like carpet and drapes, items that commonly stay with the home, helps give the property a more modern look and may actually pay for themselves in a better sales price. Another option is to include information on what renovations are possible and some estimated costs. For example, a plan for a bathroom or kitchen upgrade that includes material and labor estimates, may help the young prospects view the home as if it were already renovated. This type of preparation costs little but can offer big results at sale time.

The Importance of Curb Appeal

Curb appeal should also not be overlooked. Trimming shrubbery, keeping the grass mowed and planting some attractive flower beds can present a good impression of the house from the time the potential buyer steps out of the car. Consider a new paint job if the current coat shows any wear. Choose neutral colors that will appeal to the widest range of people. The new paint job alleviates the need to repaint for years avoiding a major expense or big home-improvement project for the new buyer.

Finical Issues

Young buyers are often just starting out and on a budget. Those family budgets may not have funds for major repairs in the first years of home ownership. The seller can alleviate those concerns by having the home inspected prior to offering. Making the inspection documents available to prospective buyers informs the buyer as to the quality of the home and its major components such as furnaces and water heaters.

The inspection process can be carried a step further with a home warranty. Realtors can often suggest a provider for the Home Warranty. This is basically a prepaid insurance policy that reimburses the buyer for any repair expenses necessary during the first year of ownership. The combination of an inspection and home warranty should alleviate any fears the young buyers may have for early potential problems.

Present the older home as an opportunity for the young buyer to establish their own style and décor. Minimizing the amount of décor items and furniture in the house during the sales period may help the prospective buyer picture the home as they will decorate and furnish.

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Janet Parks is a writer for a new jersey replacement windows company. When she is not working, she loves to blog about her garden which she takes a lot of pride in.