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Kitchens Are All About The Accessories

A lot of people forget that the kitchen is actually a room of their house and that it too needs a little TLC every now and again. If you’re kitchen really needs to be brought up to date or just back to life then remember, nowadays, accessories are everything.
Kitchens Are All About The Accessories
The first thing to do if you want to get your kitchen looking brand new again is to thoroughly clean it. That doesn’t mean just getting a jay cloth and some anti-bacterial spray, it means getting the bleach and the scourer, everywhere. Once you’ve given your kitchen a good clean you need to think about what’s missing and if it’s like any other kitchen of the past fifteen then it’s probably missing some colour.
Glass splash backs are all in at the moment and they’re a really good way of keeping your tiles in top condition. They’re available as plain glass or metal but you can also get them in a huge range of really bright and funky colours so they’ll completely transform your kitchen in a flash.
Baskets are a great, rustic way to store your foods. It’s really easy to keep food separate; you can put vegetables and fruit in a couple and all of the snacks for the kid’s lunch boxes in another. Not only do baskets look nice on the kitchen work top putting all of these items into them will also help to free up some fridge and cupboard space.
Growing fresh herbs is a really simple and easy way to add a bit of life, colour and fragrance to your kitchen as well as saving you money at the supermarket. Most supermarkets will sell herbs in really nice pots that will look great in a kitchen window, if not though, it’s pretty easy to get your hands on a few pots and seeds to make up your own – cress, parsley and basil are always a hit.
One thing that everyone could do with in their kitchen but almost everyone forgets to include is a clock. It’s pretty easy to find a clock to fit any style nowadays whether you’re into vintage or bright, bold colours; you’ll be surprised how much smoother your morning routine is when you don’t have to keep running around to check the time.
Finally, if your kitchen requires more of a make-over than the addition of a few accessories then it’s really easy to completely transform your cupboard doors with a splash of paint.

Claire Thompson spent a lot of time creating the perfect design for her kitchen that she bought from