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Best Exercises For Weight Loss


The most successful weight loss programs will combine both dieting and exercise for the best results. While it is possible for you to lose a great deal of weight through dieting alone, integrating exercise into your schedule will not only help you see quicker results, but longer term results as well.

When it comes to the exercises that you can perform, there is a great deal of choice available to you. Here are some great weight loss tips no how to maximise the effectiveness of your diet with exercise.

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT involves short bursts of high-intensity training, followed by short bursts of low intensity training. The length of the bursts will depend upon your level of fitness. For example, if you are a beginner you may want to perform 20 second bursts, followed by 40 seconds of rest. If you are more of an advanced exerciser, however, you can flip this in reverse, performing high-intensity bursts for longer, and enjoying shorter rest periods.

With HIIT, you can use any form of exercise you enjoy. For example, you can incorporate running, cycling, rowing, swimming, or any other form of exercise into your training schedule.

2. Jogging

Effective exercise doesn’t need to involve HIIT for excellent results. If you are more keen on enjoying longer periods of exercise, at a lower intensity, then jogging is certainly a very beneficial option.

One of the major benefits of jogging is that it can be performed in the fat burning zone. If you’re exercising at about 60 to 70 per cent intensity, your body will be utilising your fat stores for energy. As such, this can lead to impressive weight loss results. In order to achieve these results, however, you do need to commit to a consistent training schedule.

3. Swimming

If you have access to a swimming facility, then it is an excellent idea for you to use it. Swimming is generally a better weight loss exercise than jogging for several key reasons:

It helps you to utilise more muscle groups
It leads to a great metabolic ‘burn’ afterwards
It is easier on the joints

Enjoying a half hour swim each day will help you to use all of your major muscle groups. This, in turn, will help to raise your metabolism more effectively than you would with a low intensity jog. Moreover, the benefits to your joints means that you can engage in the exercise more regularly, thus helping to keep you consistent and motivated – two extremely important facets of successful weight loss.

4. Metabolic conditioning

Metabolic conditioning is probably the single most effective weight loss method you can employ. It involves performing several different exercises in sequence, split up for short rest periods. For example, you might perform a set of push ups, some squats, some burpees, and some lunges. You’d perform each for 30 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds.

With metabolic conditioning, you need to ensure that you workout at a sufficient intensity to create a metabolic training effect. The idea here is to build up lactic acid in your muscles, which will need to be cleared out after your have finished your workout. In order to clear out this acid, the body raises its metabolism, leading to a significant calorie burn long after your workout is concluded.


In order to achieve successful, long term weight loss, exercise needs to be incorporated into your weight loss program. Regular exercise is essential in helping to regulate our hormones, and boost our metabolism, and both of these are critical if we want to keep that fat from coming back.

Ideally, a combination of different forms of exercise will yield the best results. Mixing low intensity cardio exercises like jogging, swimming, and biking, with high intensity ‘circuits’ like HIIT and metabolic conditioning, will help to keep you body guessing. This, in turn, will help you lose weight consistently, and improve your health at the same time.

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Mike Donald is a fitness enthusiast who loves to spread the word about the benefits of leading an active lifestyle.