Summer is in full bloom and with it comes free time and peace of mind, sunshine and sweet wine. Yes, even cringingly cheesy rhyming schemes are forgiven in summertime as people emerge from their winter shells of crusty grumpiness to embrace life to the fullest. There is however ONE sneaky drawback to the blossoming of summer magic: dental hygiene. Those annoying little enamel clusters require yearlong pruning, and the task becomes trickier during the summer, when unhealthy habits and temptations abound. Here are a few things to watch out for if you want to protect your smile this season.
Fruity Drinks and Foods
When drinking and eating during the summer, you need to watch out for acidity. Low pH levels in certain drinks can erode enamel in teeth and leave you looking like Gramps without his dentures in. Sodas are the worst, with pH levels in Coke and Pepsi on par with that of straight vinegar (~2.5). But other more innocuous fruity drinks like orange juice and Gatorade are also potentially harmful and erosive. Be careful about your consumption of fruity liquids during these hot months.
You probably think I’m some incarnation of the devil by now, and just want me to shut up, but keep in mind that these activities are only harmful in certain situations and if used to excess. Swimming is a wonderful summertime activity. But most people are unaware that chlorine from public pools can cause blemishes when mixed with saliva residue on the surface of the teeth. It’s a purely cosmetic issue—no physical damage is being done to the tooth—but it can be unsightly and is worth keeping in mind if you plan on extensive swimming this summer.
Ice Cream and Other Sweets
Sugary sweets are not just a threat to teeth during the summer, obviously, but they sure are more abundant. Don’t let these two-faced tooth temptresses get the better of your mouth; you will be thinking about it every second of quality time spent at the dentist getting your cavities filled in about six months. If you’ve been tempted to make one too many mistakes, a Seattle dentist could help you with your problem.
Sports and other Outdoor Activities
Another summer pastime that is fully encouraged, outdoor activity is extremely healthy for adults and children alike. Getting outdoors and working out or performing cardiovascular activity is good for your heart and general health. Certain sports can be brutal, though, and teeth can be some of the first casualties of wholesome fun gone wrong. You don’t want to end up looking like a veteran hockey player just because you had too much pride to pass up your brother-in-law’s pickup rugby challenge. So be careful out there with those teeth! If you’re lucky, they’ll outlast the rest of your body by a long shot.