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What Office Furniture Says About The Company?

What Office Furniture Says About The Company?

Office furniture is an extended brand within the company. It gives the first impression and continuously works for the company in the memories of the clients who visit it. Every detail about the furniture should complement and be able to communicate the company’s ideas, services or products simply and clearly.

Be it warm, cozy, sophisticated, luxurious or striking, office furniture is considered as an art of decoration that speaks the language of the company and joins in the conversation that is in the client’s mind. Being original creates a great sense of corporate identity whereas warmth is a source of motivation for the company’s employees. They should be arranged in a reasonable manner to ease accessibility within the company.Office furniture should also be safe and be able to utilize the office space.

Office furniture differ depending on the type of business or company for instance, art-oriented business should have relaxed, easy going furniture where as serious establishments should have serious-official-looking office furniture that complements their profession and also if the business is indoor or outdoor. There are things to look out for before purchasing office furniture for your company like location and environment, and office space. This will help when trying to decide on the material for the furniture. Once you have in mind what office furniture will complement the company, the other part of purchasing is easy. Because of technology, shopping has been made easier and you can purchase the office furniture online if not at retail shops.

One is advised to consider functionality, price and durability when considering buying office furniture. Below are some of the most common materials used.


Wood has always and will always be one of the most used raw materials for office furniture. It is natural, beautiful in appearance and is flexible in terms of colors and finishing to suit the company. Dark finished wood brings a sense of sophistication and antique image whereas light wood creates warm space. Vintage wood lets out a modern yet luxurious interior. If on a budget one can still have professional yet affordable office furniture from artificial wood customized according to the company’s image.Furniture made from wood is Eco-friendly because it’s from nature, but wood also has its disadvantages that are important to note. It is affected by water and sometimes termites if not properly maintained. This is very important to consider when it comes to the location of your office according to geographical mapping. For example Wood furniture will not survive well in wet areas. Also, the longer wood stays, it acquires a dull look that may require the company to refurnish or replace the furniture.


Glass gives a modern, rich and sophisticated impression. When used in office furniture, it makes the room sparkle, reflects best space, highlights and spreads lighting within the room. Mirrors give the illusion of bigger space.Glass is considered a flexible material since it can be made into different sizes and shapes and may be used colored or clear hence it gives an option of exploring with different colors that best suit the company. It is said that vibrant colors inspires and gives a comfortable feeling to the employees who in turn increases productivity. Unlike wood and metal glass is timeless, and is not affected with environmental factors like moisture that makes wood crack and metals rust. However glass is expensive and fragile minimizing its demand and use. Dust and dirt may also be an issue with glass furniture and will need to be cleaned more often.


Metal which is readily available and easily maintained brings out a cool environment with a modern touch when used with office furniture. Metal lasts considerably longer compared to other materials if properly maintained. The office furniture should however be coated with rustproof paint to ensure they are able to sustain changing weather conditions.


Plastic is the most affordable and available material used on office furniture. Plastic is also very light making it easy to move around. The material is unbreakable and is not affected whatsoever with environmental weather conditions. They do not necessarily require maintenance.

Author bio:

This piece has been written by Trice Jones. It points out factors one may consider on how to choose an online dealer you can trust when it comes to purchasing office furniture.