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Powerful Women In The World Of Technology

Since the invention of computers, people are putting in their efforts and everyday we see new inventions in the field of Information technology. To mention some of prominent names here are Bill Gates, the former CEO of Microsoft, John Chambers, chairman and CEO, Cisco, Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft and the list goes on. But we seldom hear the name of Melinda French Gates, Project Manager for Microsoft Bob a Microsoft software product, released in March 1995. According to Forbes magazine’s new list of “The World’s 100 Most Power Women,” Melinda Gates, was third in the ranking.

So let’s move on and discuss the women’s contribution and involvement in this field.

Padmasree Warrior:

“Warrior is among the sharpest technology persons in the world”. These are the words of John Chambers, CEO of Cisco. In 2004, Warrior was awarded National Medal of Technology by the President of the United States. On December 4, 2007 she became CTO at Cisco Systems. She realizes that women have the energy that is needed to join this hard field of Information & Technology. At CISCO her visions are that women leaders must engage themselves in mentoring and helping others. Recently she was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors at Gap Inc.

Sheryl Kara Sandberg:

(Chief Operating Officer of Facebook): Her name was on the top of the annual list of the 100 most influential women published by Time magazine and 50 most powerful women in Business by Fortune Magazine. After joining Facebook, she started struggling in boosting the profit of Facebook and by 2010 Facebook converted into a profitable business. She was also appointed as the member of the Board of Directors in 2012 and had the title of first women member to her credit.  Her well-known book “Lean In” is written with the aim to encourage women to achieve their ambitions and to think positively.

Ursula M. Burns:

(Chairwoman and CEO of Xerox): She was born in the slums of New York City. She struggled hard and achieved her master’s degree and finally became the first African American woman to lead a Fortune 500 company. From the very early age she was taught that hard work, willpower and adaptability were the keys to success. Despite of all the difficulties she faced at an early age of her life, she started her career in IT field and managed to become the CEO of Xerox in 2009. Whether you want to book an airline ticket, use an eZ pass, pay a parking ticket or file a health insurance, all of that is now possible by Xerox. Lead by a strong willed woman named Ursula.
From following her life closely one is to notice that the most important ability one must have is to be flexible and to adapt fast, no matter how tough the consequences appear. Seizing the opportunity is also the motto she lives by. Put them together and you are the living example of a successful leader.

Weili Dai:

(President and co-founder of Marvell Technology Group) named Technology Innovator of the Year 2012. Dai, a firm believer of the advocacy of women in the field of technology, having a clear vision and a staunch belief in principles and values, resulted in tremendous and groundbreaking innovations to the world of technology. She believes that we have to engage ourselves into a digital lifestyle.
Her notion of the ‘connected lifestyle” has given the world a globally connected lifestyle. Her perception is that women can easily deal with the challenges of our day-to-day life by inducting a unique set of problem-solving skills and fresh thinking. Thus her efforts resulted in a large number of women’s entering the field of engineering. Moreover, she has a command over eight programming languages; written three books about business and social media, and has travelled more than 60 countries throughout the world.

About the author: Selena Mitchell is a mobile application developer at Social Cubix, which develops iPhone, Facebook, Mobile and Android Applications and one of the finest app development company in US. She’s a regular contributor at Business2Community, SocialMediatoday, Examiner, instantshift, Site pro New and other sites. Get in touch with her on Google+.