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How Freshmen Could Manage Stress?

For freshmen, the sudden change in environment can be quite distressing. During the first year, they need to cope with assignment deadlines and other workloads. Financial expenses and high family expectations cause more burdens. College life is definitely stressful, but it depends on whether we are able to manage it. In fact, stress is beneficial for our success and it could provide a healthy encouragement. Unfortunately, excessive stress could interfere with our normal functioning. The overall stress level could accumulate over time when not managed properly. Stress could result in a number of physical symptoms, such as anxiety, nausea and insomnia. Students should identify stressors around them and by doing this, they will be able to conquer each. We should be able to have effective technique to manage stress. There are stressors that are unique to college students and they need to be tackled in a different way. Often, we could find that the sources of stress are within our control.

Academic matters could become a common stressor. We could have huge increase in workload, Academic stressors can become stronger if we fail to meet deadlines, have low grades, deal with challenging classes, struggle in difficult exams, accept too many new responsibilities, have insufficient time and have scheduling issues. This can be quite complicated, but we should try to solve one problem at a time. College is a big social network and it could cause social stress. This stressor can be managed if students are able to create new social network filled with good and supportive friends. The lack of direct parental support and friction with roommates could also make the situation harder for students. College students who previously lived in the house for the rest of their lives could also find problems due to daily hassles. Even simple activities like waiting in line and commuting could cause small degrees of stress that will accumulate. The situation can be much harder is students need to study hard for long hours.

Fortunately, it’s perfectly possible to manage stress. The first thing that students should do is to manage their time properly. Priorities and goals can be achieved much more easily if time can be properly managed. Students should avoid procrastination, because any delay could cause additional problems. It is important that students aren’t stretched too thin with so many tasks. They need to stay focused and calm. Students could also feel better if they are fully organized. There should be a solid system for monitoring assignments and taking notes. We should have a proper environment for studying, where we can get things done by focusing and concentrating. If students are able to meet deadlines. They will have the peace of mind knowing that everything is manageable. Exercise should also be a good thing to do. Students must have enough sleep and eat healthy food. In this case, students need to perform at their best and they should be well-rested. Students with well-managed stress level won’t sweat the small stuff and they smile a lot more.