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Challenges to Start a Mobile Phones Blog


Starting a blog from scratch can be daunting. Many newcomers are unaware of the pitfalls they may face and are inadequately equipped to handle the challenges coming their way. Use this list to prepare beforehand and avoid costly mistakes.

It is imperative to have a specific focus for the blog. This helps blogs like Prices Pakistan distinguish themselves from the crowd and make it easier to generate traffic. Mobile phones is wide topic and there can be many niches within them examples include:

Targeting a specific audience will make sure your blog reaches the right people and will enable you to tailor the content to their needs. Mobile phones are a necessity for all segments of society for example:

Blogging is a creative task. It requires inspiration, which can sometimes be hard to come by. The best approach is to choose a topic you are passionate about. Aim to write unique, timely and relevant content. This helps keep things flowing and prevents stagnation.

Traffic is the ultimate goal for your blog, initially it can be a challenge to get the blog up and running. Use the following tips to maximize potential visits to your page.

Communication is essential for a successful blog, be sure to interact with the traffic you have generated by encouraging users to comment on your articles, enable them to leave enquiries through email or reach out to you through social media. A direct human connection builds loyal followers and lasting relationships.

Once you have made your blog, you have to publish it. The best free, self hosted platform out there is WordPress. It enables you to grow your blog, customize themes, add plug-ins, have incredible storage, control ads and power your own monetization efforts.

WordPress being the most popular is responsible for over a third of the blogs on the Internet. 

Other free platforms include Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace etc.

Deciding on a unique and memorable name for your blog can be a challenging task. Use the following tips to come up with an engaging name.

Blog names like PricesPakistan are unique while giving the blog room to grow in the future.

A hosting service will enable your blog to be searched on the internet. Bluehost is a recommended host for new bloggers. The features to look for in a host are reliability, quality and affordability.

Themes form the first impressions for visitors that land on your blog. It compels them to stay and explore the website. Make sure the theme is simple, stylish, professional, and authoritative. It is also essential that the theme is customizable, high speed and mobile friendly. The theme should be from an established brand, should offer good technical support and have high ratings.

It is also essential to make a distinct logo for your blog using the logo makers like Canva available online.

It is essential to promote your blog. Social media platforms are a great way to do so. Joining platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and Reddit etc. can be instrumental in reaching large audiences. Join specific tech forums and clubs on these platforms to connect to your specific niche.

Having great images is essential to a quality blog. Creating images should be fast, easy and affordable. Use software like Canva, Relay That, UnSplash, My stock photos and IconFinder for all your imaging needs. Charts and graphs also help generate interest and build the reader’s trust in your expertise.

The intent is always to earn a decent income from your blog. There can be multiple strategies to earn money from the blog, some popular ones are listed below:

When creating a product based blog like PricesPakistan is for mobile phones, it is essential to stay abreast with the market. Keep your price listings on point and share market relevant content to stay ahead of your competition.

In conclusion, while starting a blog may be daunting, following these key guidelines will have you well on your way to a successful and well established mobile phone blog with a dedicated follower base.