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How Did The Loading Speed Of Your Website Affect To SEO

The loading speed of a website is the key factor in search engine rankings; because it improves the index ability, bounce rate and conversion.

Why loading time affects the index ability of your website?

The search engine spiders allocate a limited web crawl and index each time because their resources and time are limited. For this reason, the slow loading time of your web pages may track more search engine robots. This may not affect small sites, but it has great importance in large portals or generates much content as the spiders may not have time to track all generated new pages.

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The faster the page loads, makes lower bounce rate

There are several studies on the time a person is willing to wait until a page finishes loading or loading speed affects visitor behavior. From them we can deduce the following:

– The loading speed is a determining factor in the rate of abandonment of a web.

– Visitors through mobile only expect between 6 and 10 seconds for the site to load before leaving and going to the competition.

– 73% of mobile users said that they have found sites that are slow in loading.

How the performances of a website affect the conversion?

Several companies are dedicated in serving content like Akamai or Amazon. They have studied and analyzed how it affects the performance of a website in online shopping and collect its KissMetris in this info graphic from which we can mention:

– About 50% of buyers expect online stores charge anywhere in 2 seconds or less.

– The 40% of visitors leave the online store if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

– 79% of users who were not happy with the performance of the web have very little chance of buying it.

Tools to measure the loading time of a web

There are several tools to measure the performance of a website more basic and more complete. Currently the most used are the extensions YSlow from Yahoo and Google PageSpeed ​​of.

These tools provide us information about your downloaded resources, weight; headers are sent and tip to improve the speed of page loading.

Another way to see the loading time of our website is in the “Developer Tools” browser Google Chrome. To see tools press the F12 key and go to the “Network” tab. If you refresh your page you can see how the flow of downloads of all elements and the time it takes each.

There are also tools and utilities exist in most browsers.

Factors affecting the speed of loading a page

To load a web page a number of requests is done in a simplified form that are similar to this order:

1) Request to the DNS server to resolve the IP address of the server where our website is hosted.

2) Connecting the visitor’s browser to the server where this website.

3) Page processing on the server and sending the resulting HTML to the browser of the visitor;

4) The browser reads the HTML server that arrives and finds all the external resources (images, scripts, fonts, videos,) and is asking the server.

5) The browser is showing the page as it downloads the HTML and external resources.

Due to number of requests that are made ​​an important factor in the loading time speed internet is having a visitor, but as this is a factor we cannot control, we focus on the points made ​​above.