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Make or Break Trends for Small Business Websites

These days, it’s not enough to simply have a website for your business. If you want the online arm of your business to succeed you must make sure that the website looks good and performs well. Fashions in the web design world are always evolving, and it is important to pay attention to current trends. Here is a quick look at some of the most web design trends in the world of small business websites.
Man in home office on telephone using computer and smiling

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1 – Improved Customer Service

One good way to set yourself apart from other online businesses is to make customer service a priority. The number of online businesses that offer basic customer service information such as hours of operation on their websites is falling – even though that kind of information is really essential for the average consumer. By making yourself easy to contact, and providing all of the information that shoppers want to know, you will be more likely to get conversions.

2 – Mobile Friendliness

The desktop is going out of fashion as more and more people surf the web on their smartphones and tablet PCs. If your website does not look good on mobile devices, you will be missing out on a large potential traffic stream. Modern, responsive design technologies allow you to create websites that look equally good on desktop and mobile platforms, creating a consistent, attractive and easy to use experience regardless of what platform your customers are using when they visit your website.

3 – Infinite Scrolling

Infinite scrolling websites are compelling almost to the point of being addictive, and they encourage users to spend more time on them than they would if they had to click from page to page. If you are thinking of getting website design by Ambercouch, ask them if they think that infinite scrolling will work for you. Done well, infinite scrolling presents the most important information at the top, and includes enough calls-to-action that you can convert people even if they don’t read everything on the page. Those who are interested, however, can scroll through everything that your site has to offer.

4 – Apps

Today, mobile apps make up almost half of all retail traffic, which means that apps are not something that your business can afford to ignore. Smartphones are near ubiquitous, and if you provide a value-added app for your customers you will build goodwill for your brand and make it easier for your prospective customers to shop with you at the same time. Your app doesn’t have to be sophisticated; a simple extension of your website will suffice, as long as it puts access to your brand’s information on the home-screen of their phones.

So, before you hire a Cardiff web designer to put together a new website for your store or restaurant, take a moment to explore what the most successful websites in your niche are doing. Make sure that your brief includes all of these essential design elements.