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A Deep Insight Into Childhood Anxiety

A Deep Insight Into Childhood AnxietySymptoms and most importantly, disorders due to anxiety are seemingly becoming a significant health problem in most of the developed countries and states across the globe. Research and a close scrutiny into this health problem reveal that around 25% of adults experience some kind of an anxiety disorder during their life, most probably in the childhood. Though the relative frequency of childhood anxiety remains unknown, it is also witnessed that these health concerns are under-diagnosed and under reported.

Anxiety disorders is quite common in kids, however, often the symptoms and disorders are ignored, misjudged or overlooked. Despite the high tech world, modern health care facilities and state of the art medical care equipment, often children suffering with childhood anxiety are left in untreatable conditions.

What is Childhood Anxiety?

It is a form of disorder or can even be regarded as a health concern where kids go through varied feelings for long periods of time. The result is quite frightening at times as childhood anxietycan affect an individual’s life to a major extent. Children typically experience anxiety issues, intense fear, worrying Behavior or even uneasiness. Kids going through such experiences are required to be treated immediately as it may lead to disorders and serious concerns like –

Different Childhood Anxiety Disorders

Childhood anxiety is one health condition that should never be ignored. Though there are many a time when parents do not realize the serious need to get the child treated until an alarm is raised.  This may be due to varied reasons like inability to understand the situation, ignorant attitude, and a viewpoint that says that things might change in future and it is not a serious condition.

Generalized Childhood Anxiety Disorder

Whether it is an adult who is still suffering with childhood anxiety orchildren and adolescents who are beginning to experience this health hazard, there are varied means by which one can understand the issue.

Separation Childhood Anxiety Disorder

This disorder is often seen in children who find it difficult to lead a few hours in the absence of their parents. This disorder is seen in pre-school children and regarded as a customary process of emotional development.

Phobias and Childhood Anxiety

This disorder impulses unrealistic phobia of specific objects or situations specifically animals, water, closed space, storms, fire etc. This can be identified when one finds their kids trying to void certain elements they fear from their daily life.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are sudden and repetitive attacks without any ostensible reason. They are accompanied by varied periodic feelings like-

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

The OCD disorder (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) is a series of contemplations which may be repetitive and behavioral pattern of trapped thoughts. This can be easily identified amongst two out of every hundred adolescents with compulsive behaviors seen in children and further in their adulthood.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This is extensively seen in children who feel the stress after any particular event. However, this is quite a sensitive issue where the kids experience a post-traumatic stress and its relative effects like –

Post experiencing a disaster like hurricane, floods, snowfall or even bombing