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8 Steps How To Find Your Writing Style

All writers have a unique voice and writing style, but it may take some time to discover what yours is. There are some techniques you can use to help you identify what your writing style is. You do not have to overthink anything, but the process is rather natural. Here are my 8 tips to find your writing style.

Read a lot

If you are a writer and you do not love reading, it almost seems unbelievable. By reading a lot, you can understand the types of writing styles there are and find the one that relates to you the most.

Write every day

You want to practice your writing as much as possible. With every skill you have, it can only improve if you are constantly practising. At some point you will see that your unique style comes naturally. Write a quality apa essay if you must, as long as you write daily.

Free writing

The best type of writing is doing so without any preconceived ideas. Let’s say you are writing an essay. You would probably look at apa style examples which can be a stressful process. Instead, write from passion and creativity and you will find your unique writing style.

Your audience

As a writer it is important to be aware of your audience and who your ideal reader would be. This will help you to adapt your style to serve the needs of the reader. Whatever it is that you might be working on, understanding the needs of your audience will better equipped you to get your message across.

Write how you speak

This is one of the most important rules to finding your own writing style. The thing is, you already have a unique voice and when you add that to your writing, everything seems to flow a lot better.

Watch your tone

In order for you to engage the readers, you need to pay attention to the tone you use when writing. Depending on your storyline, you might need to adapt your tone a little, but usually you want to stay away from a tone that is too passive.

Don’t overthink

If you are constantly worried about your writing style, you might not give yourself enough time to write naturally. Just write as you would write to a friend. You can use a words to page converter  at any time or a grammar checker later. For now, just write and do not stress too much about it.


In order for you to be a great writer, you have to find your confidence. Do not doubt your skills and ability to write quality content. No one is perfect, but if you are confident in your own work, the rest of the world will find it easier to believe you.