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Break Up A Conference With Team-Building Activities

In order to get the mind working to its fullest capacity, it’s essential that we ward off boredom with an occasional change of scenery.That’s what conferences are for – in order for us to discuss things and take on board new information, getting out of the office and into a luxury hotel in the country can be exactly what’s required.

If you’re considering where to place the annual conference for your business, then you’ll want to consider a well-equipped conference venue in Cheshire, Carden Park; not only does it come with ample facilities to host the conference itself and accommodate everyone who’ll be attending, but – in collaboration with Cheshire-based events specialists The Event Station, they’re able to put on a host of team-building exercises that’ll break up the conference, and help your workforce to refresh their minds throughout their stay in one of the foremost hotels in Cheshire!

In this article, let’s take a look at just a few of the events that you might consider putting on during your conference.

Duck Herding

Duck herding is an activity that you might not be familiar with – but it’s one that’s guaranteed to produce laughs.Participants will be equipped with a crook, a collie, and a little bit of instruction, and then left to herd a gaggle of ducks around an obstacle course.For those of you with a competitive nature, this activity can really help to bring it to the fore!


If you’ve ever wanted to handle an enormous owl or golden eagle, then this is a chance to do so.Professional falconers will come to visit and deliver a running commentary as you’re shown exactly how to handle the gauntlet and the birds that’ll sit on it.It’s an excellent opportunity for a photo!

Bridge Building

Building a bridge is a classic means of building a team – and that’s why it’s become something of a cliché.But this bridge building exercise offers something a little different – rather than building a single bridge between you, your team will be split into several smaller groups, each of which will be tasked with building an individual section of the bridge.Since everyone will want to avoid embarrassment when the bridge is finally put to the test, they’ll be under even greater pressure to perform!

Treasure Hunt

Carden Park offers an extensive grounds, home to two golf courses and ample woodland to get lost in.It’s a perfect venue for a treasure hunt, where teams will be expected to track down their tasks using a map, perform them, and then ultimately track down the treasure.The tasks along the way will tax you both physically and mentally – so you’ll need a well-rounded team that’s willing to work together!

Trebuchet building

If you’re looking for something a little different to a traditional bridge-building exercise, then a trebuchet-building one might be just what’s called for.You’ll be using a set of instructions to build the famous medieval siege-engine from a set of parts, before using it to fling water balloons at a distant target.Naturally, the team whose finished trebuchet hits the most targets will be declared the winner!

Bubble football

If you’re looking for a spot of football with a twist, then you’ll want to check out bubble football – where players are wrapped in enormous air-filled bubbles, and expected to charge into one another in order to gain control of the ball.It’s physically taxing – mainly because it’s difficult to run around when you’re laughing so much.Since you’re shielded, you’ll be able to barge one another over as much as you like – and staying upright without the use of your arms might prove tricky!

Chocolate Challenge

If you’ve got a sweet tooth, then this chocolatey exercise might be exactly what you’re looking for.It’ll see you and your team learn how to make your own box of chocolates.You’ll need to design and make them from the ingredients you’re provided with – and at the end you’ll have the task of eating them, too.This is an activity where you’ll learn a valuable skill – and you’ll perhaps learn to appreciate that good chocolate takes hard work!

He’s behind you!

If you’ve ever wanted to put on your own stage production, then you’ll be interested in this activity – which will allow you to do exactly that.You’ll be able to stage a pantomime incorporating all of the essential elements – including outrageous costumes, scenarios, slapstick humour and audience participation.Your production will be fuelled by a selection of props, make-up and comical sound bytes that your office will be talking about long after the event is done with.