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Preparing for the Arrival of a Baby

If you have a little one on the way – and we’re just going to go ahead and assume you do, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be bothering to read this very article – then you will surely know that you have a lot of stressful times ahead of you. And that’s before the stork comes to visit!

You have loads and loads of stuff to do before the arrival of your little bundle of joy. Let’s go through a few of those, shall we? You have to sort out a cot (not to mention decorate a nursery area nicely), buy up a big batch of nappies and the like to get you going, get loads of clothes, start on child-proofing the home… let’s just say there’s a lot and leave it at that.

You’re going to be busy. And it’s going to be stressful. It would definitely be advisable to get as much sorted as you can, as early on as possible. Let us help a bit, and use our handy little guide (the one wot u r reading rite now) as a checklist.

The General “Stuff”

There’s going to be rather a lot of different things to get under this heading, so we’ll just race through them – do try to keep up, won’t you? You’ll probably have to shell out a fair bit of cash, so it’s time to crack open that piggy bank!

As mentioned before, nappies are most definitely a necessity, so buy a buttload (pun intended) of these – whether you choose reusable cloth ones or disposables like Pampers, you’re going to go through a fair few!

Related: talcum powder, baby wipes, child-friendly shampoo and bubble bath, etc. etc. etc.

Apart from that, you’ll need to get your hands on a load of bottles and appropriate cleaning bits, and you may also want to purchase a breast pump. Get some lanolin ointment and a nursing pillow – they won’t do anything for Baby, but Mum will definitely appreciate ‘em!

Baby bowls, plates and cutlery, sippy cups, bibs, and a highchair – all important stuff.

Getting Around

You’ll be able to carry around your little one for a while, but you really should get hold of a pram or pushchair. For newborns, being able to lie flat is of vital importance, so you’ll need a pushchair which can recline fully – take a look at the range on

Even better is a 3-in-1 travel system – these combine the best bits of a pushchair, a pram and a car seat, so you’ll be all sorted wherever you go!

Getting to Bed

Obviously you’ll need a cot. Look for the British Standard Mark 1753 – this means it’s safe. You’ll also have to get a firm mattress and a light blanket – no pillow, no duvet. More information can be found at this NHS page.

Other Bits & Bobs

Childproof: cover plug sockets, latch cupboards, and put safety gates on the stairs.

To keep your mind at ease when the little one gets ill, get hold of a digital thermometer.

That’s about it really! Cotton buds might come in handy, as will nail clippers. Oh, and grab some baby monitors – they’re super useful. Best of luck!