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Getting Married? 7 Step For Planning Successful Honeymoon

Sometimes all our time and effort goes into planning the perfect wedding, but don’t all the flowers and dress shopping distract you from the importance of planning the honeymoon too. This is your chance to spend some time away, just you and your new spouse, without anything else capturing your attention. Here’s what you need to do to make your honeymoon perfect!

1. Set Your Budget

Nothing spoils a honeymoon like worrying how you’ll pay the bills when you get back. Set a budget that is realistic for some time away, and plan accordingly. If you can’t make it to Jamaica this year, that’ll give you something to do for an anniversary!

2. Go Somewhere You Both Love

If your significant other likes having lots of things to do and places to eat, a cabin in the middle of nowhere is not going to be fun for both of you. Share your dream honeymoon ideas and pick one you’re both excited about.

3. Reserve a Hotel

Make sure you reserve everything plenty of time ahead! You don’t want to make all the plans only to discover your dream hotel is out of room when you get there. You may even get a special honeymoon suite if you reserve far enough in advance (Source: Cartier Place & Towers Suite Hotels).

4. Get a Camera

Most of us have phones with good cameras, but if you don’t, make sure and bring a camera along. If you want to look back on honeymoon pictures, you’ll need to actually have some!

5. Do Foreign Travel Prep

If you’re traveling to another country, there are some extra steps involved. Make sure you get a passport, get all your vaccinations up-to-date, and take a crash course in that country’s language before your wedding day arrives.

6. Get House/Pet Sitters

Prepare for your travel by getting someone to watch your dog or cat, not to mention your house full of wedding presents. Honeymoon with peace of mind, knowing that when you come back, you’ll be able to pick up right where you left off.

7. Unplug From Everyone Else

Focus your honeymoon on your honey by avoiding Facebook and making sure your workplace knows you won’t be responding to your emails. Update your status and share pictures if you want, but don’t check it every five minutes!

Follow these steps and you won’t ever want the honeymoon to end. When you finally have to come back to your job, you’ll still have the memories of the most magical week or two of your life.