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3 Options For Discreet Adult Orthodontic Treatment

If, like many other women across the UK, you’re quietly ashamed of your smile then why not consider doing something about it? For many, they had braces as a teenager, however over the years, they’ve neglected their retainers and, as such, have seen their teeth move back into their original positions. For others, their teeth may not be bad enough to have been eligible for NHS treatment, however that doesn’t mean they’re not unhappy with their smiles and would love to have a smile to be proud of! Whatever your reasons for wanting a new smile, however, we couldn’t encourage you more to do something about it and book a consultation with your local orthodontist to look at the various treatment options available and, hopefully, for you to get things underway and set a day for you to become a brace face! In order to take a look at three popular options for adult orthodontic treatment, however, we caught up with Claire Nightingale from leading London orthodontists, Queens Gate Orthodontics. 

1. Ceramic Braces

For many, traditional style braces still offer the very best treatment option and ensure the best results once they’re taken off. Whilst, as an adult, you may not be too keen on having metal brackets on your teeth for a few years, you’ll be pleased to know that recent developments with ceramic braces mean that, by opting for these tooth coloured brackets and wires, you’ll hardly notice you’re having treatment!

In cases where your bite needs to be worked on, fixed braces still offer the best end results and, surely that’s what it’s all about? Having brackets on your teeth for a few years is nothing when you think of the gorgeous smile you’ll end up with and with ceramic options, it’s far easier to take the jump and go for this type of brace.

2. Lingual Braces

Perhaps you know you need fixed braces in order to achieve the dream smile you’ve always wanted, however really cannot stand the thought of brackets bonded to the front of your teeth. Even though the number of adults having orthodontic treatment is increasing and they’re becoming far more socially acceptable than ever before, the thought of braces can still make many women self conscious and, as such, lingual braces may well be the most attractive option.

In short, lingual braces still use metal wires and brackets, however rather than being bonded to the front of your teeth, are bonded behind. As such, unless someone is looking in your mouth, they’ll never know you’re having treatment!

3. Invisalign

Perhaps the most popular form of adult orthodontic treatment in recent years has been Invisalign and, especially amongst twenty and thirty something’s, almost everyone knows someone who’s having or has had this treatment, one which works using a series of clear aligners which are replaced every two weeks.

The difference with Invisalign is that the aligners can be removed to eat, drink and clean as well as being almost entirely invisible! There’s no metal, no wires and the opportunity for you to get the smile you’ve always dreamed of without having to risk becoming self-conscious during treatment!