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4 Essential Back-To-School Checkups To Get Your Kids

Prior to the start of a new school year or semester, start the journey off with a solid plan for a healthier, happier and a better school year for your child. Children are valuable treasures deserving of quality guidance to help them succeed in life. Preparing them for a brighter future, with promising healthful guidelines, begins at home. This is where proper education about and nutrition, along with some professional checkups, comes in.

First Things First

Today, many children are experiencing psychological concerns like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD), depression, Asperger’s Syndrome and other chemically-charged disorders. Never hesitate to discuss any concerns with General Practitioners, nutritionists, school counselors and other mind/body professionals prior to school-related placement. A happy brain is a healthy brain. A child exhibiting symptoms of psychological struggle will likely not be as healthy and happy as they deserve to be and any issues should be addressed as soon as possible.

What You See is What You Get

Our senses are the crux of our learning and living. Proper eyesight is of the utmost importance, especially for a young child. If a child does not see well, learning can be highly compromised if left unattended. Visit your local optometrist prior to school starting. Summer time is a great time to go, if you believe vision adjustments are necessary. Give your child the advantage of having an adjustment period to get used to glasses before starting school.

General/Sports Check-Ups

Getting ready for a new school year demands a strong body and mind. Visit with your child’s General Practitioner before school begins. Checking for any physical compromises such as growth plate pain, muscle pain and motor coordination is only the beginning of a healthy body. A clean bill of health can put you and your child’s minds at ease.

Nutrition Matters

Allergies are on the rise, with environmental and nutritional factors play a part. It is important to get children on the right nutritional road before school starts, not after. A visit with a professional nutritionist can help guide children with or without nutritional deficiencies. With nutritious food selections in schools being at an all-time low, thus affecting study performance, it is crucial children’s nutritional measures are carefully acknowledged.

Waiting for others to show children the ropes of good health is an imbalanced and often detrimental approach. Providing children with the best tools to thrive in a healthier environment will mean introducing healthier values when children are young.

Help prepare school-aged children as early as possible. This will help them develop good habits and prepare them to keep abreast of the good health we all deserve.

Informational Credit to The Eyewear Place